Monday 23 October 2023

All I Hear is the Wind (PT. 3 FINALE)

After reminiscing such a distant past, Jiyu sighed and it was only until now that the reality had finally hit. 

This time, she looked up to what was initially impossible to her: a sky above the clouds.

"I'm sure," She begins, not in a yell nor a whisper, but loud enough for the wind to hear and carry along (she hopes), "You've received the letter." 

She can't tell if the wind is stronger or if it was her body growing weaker by the minute, but, she felt it nudging her forward. A silent nod to tell her that it's finally time. 

"I really hope you'll find another, maybe, they would be more fitting for you." She takes a step forward.

All you can see is the clouds as the wind howls.

1 comment:

  1. letter :eyes: i dont know anything bout children of the sky(?) lore but i know that there is like, a very scary side to it if you look deep enough to do the lore so i am very scared to what that its finally her time means......


All I Hear is the Wind (EPILOGUE)

Within his little cottage in the middle of nowhere echoed the sounds of boiling water and a cackling fireplace. "It's been a year,...