Friday 20 October 2023

All I Hear is the Wind (PT. 1)

This story, the first ever story posted on this blog is special to me. This was a story written on March 22 2021. 

2021 was a horribly hard year for me, but when I left the hardships behind, I had left a few friends too. The memories and writings still carry over, because, of course they would. 

This is a story about two special OCs, Junri and Jiyu, based off the game 'Sky: Children of the Light'. This will contain lots of angst, but was a story that I had put so much love into. 

Three years later, I rummaged around my dusty google docs and within the few 3 alt accounts I had, had come across this.   

This is rewritten but still holds the same plot and intentions I wanted it to showcase. I hope you enjoy reading, thank you!  



Underneath the view of clouds, although hidden, Jiyu knew what it was. Somewhat.   

Before receiving the blessing of the light, Jiyu would stare up at the sky; day and night. No matter what Jiyu saw, she saw the same but somehow different things. To others, you would see what was simply there: stars and clouds. To Jiyu, you would see that they moved a little each passing of day and night.   

After a week, you would notice that there is a new group of stars that forms a new, unfamiliar shape. A shape that is recognizable to the heart but not the mind. Even throughout the day, you would notice that the clouds shift in position and hue. However, it rarely rains. At least, down there.  

Jiyu awoke on a lone island with 6 pillars of rocks in front of her, 6 of which opened portals to the islands above the clouds. She can't remember what happened before, but whatever happened, it made her sleep for too long to remember.  

Unlike any other day, Jiyu had been trembling as she stared down to the cloudy pit. The Forest was raining as always but It was not that nor the cool breeze that made her shiver. Rather, it was what she felt that day.  

While she had usually found solace and a home on the Island of a never-ending raining forest, she had ventured to a couple of other islands and met a peculiar man by the name of Junri. He resided on an island that was long ago a sea for ships and lands. 

In the present time, it had been drained of all liquid and left a desert with rocks, blocks and ships half-buried within the sand. Today, it is now called 'The Wasteland'.  

Junri is an enigma to many. He is an alchemist, a magician, a researcher or a lunatic. He is whatever people see him to be, but he is, most importantly, whatever he had decided himself to be-- which is a total mystery. He runs through the various realms to investigate each islands to complete his greatest of creations. Within that logic, you would begin to realize, after a few months of hanging around such a curious man, that it would be hard to keep up with a mind that is always at work.  

Jiyu would be lying if she said or even thought that she didn't want to open up to him. She longed for his presence, for his brief but very real visits to her home. If it were to happen again today, she would also be lying if she said she didn't wish they could go find frogs, crabs or new flowers to add to her collection or his cauldrons.   

It took a lot for Jiyu to stop following the trail of thought she was having. Frankly, it was all confusing for her despite how obvious it was at the same time. She had felt feelings that felt so familiar but ones she knew she was feeling for the first time. It's the feeling of carrying the greatest baggage the world could offer. The weight of a boulder that will never stop rolling down the hill of problems.   

She has questions that she knows Junri has answers -- to one of them, she knows too -- and they're all a big 'no'. Answers like that are hard to hear, especially when it is from a soulmate who does not love you back.

Just Hapy to be Hear.

Part 2 will come out.... Soon!!! 

Thank you 4 reading!


  1. This is really nice!! The line 'from a soulmate who does not love you back. ' is... :'( curious on what happened tho, like Jiyu's memories and stuff and on what Junri is making...

    1. You'll get a clearer perspective when PT.3 (the final) is out, but you'll probably be able to guess something when I post PT.2-- which I just did!! :3



All I Hear is the Wind (EPILOGUE)

Within his little cottage in the middle of nowhere echoed the sounds of boiling water and a cackling fireplace. "It's been a year,...